A quick and easy curry that focusses on the chickpeas and eggplant and fuses that with a delicious spicy base with hints of sweetness. A bit of a different take on the traditional recipe but one we think you will greatly enjoy. Serves: 2Time: 30...
Another Asian inspired dish that focusses more on the soup and chicken part as the core parts of this recipe. A somewhat involved dish to create but the rewards is a truly delicious meal. Enjoy as a soup, serve with rice or go traditional and...
A delicious shredded chicken soup served with udon noodles for a hearty meal. Chicken, carrots, turmeric, chilli, coriander and ginger make for a delicious broth that infuses into the chicken and makes for a great dish on those cold winter days. A little more involved...
Inspired by the classic flavour of Turmeric grilled chicken and reworked into a quick and easy to make recipe for the microwave. Another great flavour profile that works brilliantly with Turmeric Active, so you get all the benefits and a delicious meal all in one....
Mmm meatballs, great on their own as part of a larger meal. This recipe will show you a quick and easy way to create delicious meatballs with ingredients commonly found in the pantry. Saucy, cheesy and hearty, we were all surprised by just how delicious...
A great red curry paste, some fresh filets of fish and you are on you way to creating your own fantastic Red Fish Curry. The bold curry flavours combined with the creaminess of coconut milk are bound to win over even the most skeptical fish eaters...
Salmon is a great and versatile fish. This steamed Salmon recipe takes inspiration from Asia and marinates the salmon fillets in ginger, lemongrass, sesame oil, chilli, soy and Turmeric Active, sounds great right? It is indeed, and also quick and easy to prepare. Give it...