A quick and easy curry that focusses on the chickpeas and eggplant and fuses that with a delicious spicy base with hints of sweetness. A bit of a different take on the traditional recipe but one we think you will greatly enjoy. Serves: 2Time: 30...
Green beans are already a great side and with a bit of Turmeric Active, butter, chilli, garlic and seasoning they can really become a star dish all on their own. Another quick and easy recipe to prepare, you can either cook your beans in water...
A delicious winter vegetable tagine, well rounded in flavour and wholesome and filling. Savoury, spicy, with pops of sweetness from the fruit and crunch from the nuts. Enjoyable on its own as an accompanying dish, this recipe is a great way to use those winter...
Spiced Okra goes great on its own with flat bread or makes for a perfect accompanying dish with grilled lamb or prawns. Inspired by Indian cuisine, if you like Okra this recipe is a quick and easy way to enjoy your meal and the flavour...
Mixed vegetables is a classic dish and you can mix it up how you like. This recipe only adds a little hint of Turmeric Active flavour so the natural goodness of the vegetables can shine. Add a little butter, some seasoning... delicious and good for...
Steamed cauliflower is an easy-to-prepare and nutritious dish, it also makes for a great base for other dishes. To spice things up try our Turmeric Active coating mix and serve with yoghurt, coriander and lemon juice. Delicious and nutritious. Serves: 2Time: 15 mins --- Ingredients:...